Annual Awards are open to all ADA members in good standing. The award program runs from December 1 through November 30. Scores are NOT tracked by ADA. Your submitted tests are proof of scores from year to year.
· You must be an ADA member at the time that a score is earned in order for it to count towards ADA Year End Awards.
· You need three (3) scores for Intro through Fourth levels, or 2 scores for FEI levels to qualify.
· Required scores must be from the same test level and from three different shows with the same horse/rider combination. Any test of the level can be used. If you ride more than one test at the same level at a show, the higher scoring test should be submitted to the Awards Committee. The median score of the three submitted scores will be used to determine the year end score and ultimate ranking of competitors.
· A median score of at least 58% is required to qualify for an award at any level.
1. Photocopies or scanned images of the first page test sheets (signature page only) should be submitted to after last show of the season.
2. A volunteer requirement of 6 hours total is required to participate in the award program.
Although your time and talents are most valuable to us primarily at our shows and clinics, we realize not everyone has that time or availability. So,we offer a variety of ways to earn hours towards Year End Awards.
· Hours can be earned by volunteering at ADA shows by; arena set up/ break down, scribe, ring steward, runner, scoring, announcing, and equipment check.
· Two (2) hours may be earned by referring new member(s); two (2) hours per new member referred (must not have been a member within last 5 years).
· Three (3) hours may be purchased for $10 per hour, up to $30.
· Six (6) hours for active Committee and Board Members. We have multiple opportunities and a range of needs for committee involvement!
3. A horse and rider pairmay not receive awards in more than two consecutive levels in a given competition year. (eg. Competing at Intro & Training would be OK, but competing at Intro and First level would not OK)
4. A horse and rider pair may not win (First place only) an award more than two times for a given level.
Awards Given
Awards will be offered for the highest score for Jr., AA and Open in the following categories:
Prix Caprilli, Intro, Training, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Freestyle, Pas De Deux, Prix St. Georges, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, FEI Freestyle and Grand Prix.
WDAA Intro, Basic, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, any level WDAA Freestyle
Gaited Dressage Intro, Basic, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4
Check this section after each show or event to confirm what volunteer hours we have credited to you.
ADA awards program - 2021 (pdf)