Program Rules
1. Five ADA dollars will be awarded for each hour of volunteer work performed. You will be responsible for reporting these hours to the volunteer coordinator.
2. These points can be used in the following manner:
A. As partial payment for class fees at ADA schooling shows (up to $10 per class and up to $30 per show).
B. As partial payment toward clinics offered by ADA (up to 30% of the cost of the clinic.
C. You can donate them to a pool and we will decide how the money will be used at the end of the year. (eg. sponsorship of a young rider).
Volunteer opportunities for our shows are listed below. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form and send it in to the show secretary. You can do more than 1 shift. Times are approximate and will depend on the scheduling requirements of the show.
1. Ring set up (Saturday at around 12)___________________________________
2. Scoring: AM shift (8-12)___________________ PM Shift(1-5) ___________
3. Scribing: AM shift (8-12)___________________PM Shift (1-5)____________
4. Gate/Runner: AM shift (8-12)________________PM Shift (1-5)____________